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#single-cell 10.3390/microorganisms10020292 10X 10x-genomics 10xgenomics 16S 18S ABR abricate ABRomics adaptor adna Agronomy AI air-quality airr alevin algorithm Alignment alphafold2 Alternative splicing alternative-splicing amp Amplicon amplicon analysis amplicon-sequencing ampliconarchitect ampliconsuite AMR AMR-detection ancient-dna ancient-dna-analysis ancientdna Animal models Annotation annotsv antibiotic-resistance antimicrobial resistance antimicrobial-peptides antimicrobial-resistance-genes ARD (Analysis Ready Data) arg Arthropods ARTIC Assembly Assembly+QC astronomy atac ATAC-seq ATACseq Australian BioCommons automated workflows Autosubmit b-cell BackTrackBB bacteria bacterial bacterial-genome-analysis bacterial-genomes bacterial-genomics BAM bamtofastq bases2fastq bash BBduk bbmap bcl2fastq bco Beacon Behavioral data benchamrking benchmark benchmarking best practice bgc BGE binning BioBB Biochemistry Biodiversity Bioengineering bioformats bioformats2raw BioID Bioimage bioimaging Bioinformatics Bioinformatics tool Biological dataset Biomedical Ontologies Biomolecular Dynamics Simulations BioScanEurope Bioschemas Biostatistics BioStudies biosynthetic-gene-clusters bisulfite-sequencing blast Bootstrapping bowtie2 bpipe BQSR braken BROAD BUSCO bustools BWA BWA-mem bwa-mem2 BY-COVID C C++ C/C++ cage cage-seq cageseq-data cancer carveme CATH causal inference cell-lines CellProfiler Cellranger cfDNA Cheminformatics chimeric-alignment ChIP ChIP-seq chromatin-accessibiity chromatin-immunoprecipitation Chromatography chromosome-conformation-capture circle-seq circular Classification Climate clip clip-seq cmip6 CNVkit CODEX2 collections common data model community-detection Community_metrics comparative effectiveness comparative-genomics Compomics composition COMPSs Computational and theoretical biology Computational Science Computer Aided Design Computer Science Computer Vision Conda Connectome-based predictive modeling Consensus container contamination contigs Conversion copernicus coprolite Copy Number Variation coronavirus corruption cosifer cosmic counts covid-19 covid19 CPM cramtofastq crispr crispr-analysis crispr-cas CroMaSt Cross-mapping cross-validation cryoem cryosparc ctat CTE-Power9 cutandrun cutandrun-seq cutandtag cutandtag-seq CUTnRUN CWFR CWL CWR Cylc cytometry Cytoscape Darwin core data data annotation data fusion data integration Data Management Data package Data Quality data retrieval and transformation data transformation data wrangling data wrangling and transformation data-cleaning data-independent-proteomics data-recovery data_persistence Database Development Databases DataOne DataQC DataVerse ddbj DE de novo de-identification DE_NOVO decontamination Deep learning deep-learning deep-variant Default-SDR demo demultiplexing dengue denovo denovo-assembly deployment deseq2 dia dia-proteomics diagnostics DIAMOND differential expression differential-abundance differential-expression differential_expression digitisation directed acyclic graph disease outcome prediction dislib Distributed Computing DL DNA dna barcoding dna-methylation DNA-seq Docker Domain-Domain interaction dot-plot download draft dRNAseq drug response simulation Drug Respurposing drug-response drug-response-prediction drugs dualrna-seq durg response simulation earth observation earth-observation Earth-system Earthquake Detection eccdna ecdna ecFlow Ecological metadata language Ecology Ecophysiology Ecoregionalization eDNA eFlows4HPC EGA-archive Electron microscopy elementbiosciences em-seq emergen_validated EML eml-annotation ena EOSC-Life eosc-nordic EOSC4Cancer epigenetics epigenome Epigenomics epitope epitope-prediction ERGA eukaryotes Evaluation evolution evolutionary-tree Example ExomeDepth exploration Exposomics expression extrachromosomal-circular-dna EZyRB facs-sorting FAIR FAIR Principles FAIR workflows fair-principles fasta fastp FASTQ fastq-corrupted fastq-format FastQC fcs featurecounts file conversion filter filtering fish Flashlite fMRI Fragmentomics function fusion fusion-genes fuzzy logic Gadi Galaxy Galaxy-E GATK GATK3 GATK4 GC-MS GEM gene expression analysis gene expression correlation gene expression data wrangling Gene ontology term sets similarity Gene Prioritization gene set enrichment analysis gene-expression gene-fusion generalization generation generic Genetic analysis genetic design Genetics genome Genome assembly genome editing genome-annotation genome-assembly genome_assembly genomic ancestry Genomics genomics-visualization genotype geo geo database mining Geophysics Geospatial Germline ggbio Git Glacios GLM global assemblies gnomad gnps google gpu graph graphs Gravitational Waves Grid Computing GRIDS GRIDSS GRN gro-seq GROMACS groovy gsea GTN GUCFG2galaxy GUI GWAS HaplotyeCaller hCNV helicase Hi-C HiC hicar HiFi hifiasm High Performance Computing high-performance computing high-throughput high-throughput_sequencing_analysis hla hla-typing hmdb horizontal-gene-transfer host-pathogen host-pathogen PPIs HPC HTSeq human humann2 Hybrid Workflow hybrid-assembly hyperparameter-tuning HySEA IA identification illumina image analysis image file format image processing image-analysis image-processing image-segmentation imageanaylsis imageJ imaging immcantation immunology immunorepertoire imputation in-silico validation INDELs index international comparison iontorrent ISMB isoform switching isoseq isoseq-3 ITS iwc Java Juicer jupyter Jupyter notebook k-mer kallisto kmeans kmer kmer-counting kmer-frequency-count Knime Knowledge Graph kraken kraken2 Kratos Multiphysics krona Labbook label-free-quantification landsat Laptop Large-genome-assembly large-scale prediction last LC-MS lfq LiftOver limma Limnology linkage_map Linked open data linked-reads Lipidomics long-read long-read-sequencing long-reads low-pass-sequencing Luigi & Rufus workflow Machine Learning machine-learning macs2 MAG Magic MAGS Malaise traps manta map mapping Marenostrum IV Marenostrum V Marine omics MARS-seq Mass spectrometry Mass Spectrometry Imaging mass-spec mass-spectrometry massbank Mathematical Modelling Matlab Matrix Multiplication MaxQuant memote Merqury MERS Meryl Metabarcoding metabolic engineering Metabolomics MetaDEGalaxy metagenome metagenomes Metagenomics metaMS metatranscriptomics methyl-seq MGE mhc mhc-binding-prediction MIAPPE microarray Microarray analysis microbial Microbiology microbiome microscopy minimal-example miniTurboID MIRACUM mirna prediction mlxv mnase-seq Mobilome model Modeling ModGP Molecular Biology molecular dynamics Molecular Modelling molecular-pixelation molecularcartography MPDS mpvx mpxv MRI MS ms1 ms2 Multi-omics multi-specimen-input MultiQC Multivariate mutation analysis Mutect2 n50 name:amplicon name:ASSEMBLY+QC name:Collection name:ERGA name:ILLUMINA name:ONT name:PROFILING name:single-cell nanopore nanopore-sequencing nanostring nanostringnorm Napari nascent natural history collections natural-products ncbi sra NCI NCI Gadi NCI-Gadi ndvi networks Neuroscience Nextflow nf-core NFDI4BIOIMAGE NGFF NGS non-coding non-model Non-parametric non_data_persistence nonspliced Nord3 NS3 NSP13 nucleosome nucleosome-maps nucleosome-positioning numerical methods observation Ocean OGC OME-TIFF OME-Zarr OMERO OmpSs ONT Ontology open source OpenCL openebench openms optitype OWL oxford-nanopore pacbio paired-end pairwise-alignment pangenome pangeo parallel Parsl pathogen pathogen-genomics pathogenicity score Pathology Pathway Analysis Pathway co-occurrence pathway design pathway prediction pattern detection pbat PBS PCR peak-calling pediatric peptides Perl Permeability personalized medicine personalized-medicine Pfam phasing phylogenetic-placement phylogenetics phylogenomics phylogeny Pipeline pixelator pixelgen-technologies Plant Plant Sciences pod5 polygenic risk score polygenic score population-genetics poster pox PPI database integration PPI prediction pre-processing prediction Prediction experiment preprocessing Presence_absence principles pro-seq Probabilistic Inversion Profiling Programming Models prokaryotes prokka Proline protein Protein domains protein interactin data triplification Protein interaction data triplification Protein interaction ontology protein interaction prediction in mul... protein interactions database integra... Protein Structural Alignment protein structural analysis protein-databases protein-families protein-fold-prediction protein-folding Protein-Protein Interaction Protein-Protein interaction prediction protein-sequences protein-structure proteins proteins network augmentation proteogenomics Proteomics Provenance public cancer datasets exploration Publishing Dataset puretarget purge_dups PyCOMPSs pypgatk Python PyTorch QC QCxMS qiime2 QTL mapping quality quality control quantification quantseq Quast R radio interferometry randomization-tests rare diseases rare-disease RDF rdkit RDM readmapping reads-interleaving reads_selection reads_simulation Reconstruction recovery-tool Reduced Order Modeling referencegenome Regulatory Mendelian Mutation score Relevance Analysis RELIANCE ReMM remote_dataset repeat Report Reproducible Science repseq Research Objects Resource Description Framework Retrosynthesis Reviewed rice RML rna rna virus rna-rbp-interactions rna-seq RNASEQ ro-crate robustness-assessment Roddy rrbs rrna RSeQC rtPCR S3 salmon sambamba Sampling SAMTools SANBI SARS-CoV-2 satellite-imagery SBML scalable scATAC-seq scientific publication text mining scientific workflow Scientific workflow developement scipion screening scRNA-seq scRNAseq SDM secondary-metabolites Segmentation Seismic Detection Semantic Comparison Semantic Interpretation Semantic Network Analysis Semantic Web semantic web standards sentinel-2 data sequence annotation sequence search sequence-classification ShEx shiny short-reads shotgun SIM Single Cell analysis single particle analysis single-cell single-cell-omics single-cell-rna-seq single-end singularity SKA slamseq small-rna smart-seq 2 smoove smrna-seq Snakemake SNPs snv software Software Engineering softwareRequirements Somatic SOP spa Space Industry SPARK SPARQL SPARQL Query spatial Species abundance Specimen data refinery spectra spectral-unmixing splicing sra STAR star-solo Statistics strandedness Strelka2 StringTie structural variants structural-variants Supercomputer Supernova surveillance survivor SV SVD synapse synteny Synthetic Biology synthetic data Systems Biology TAD talos TalosArctica tama target target-panels taxonomic-classification taxonomic-profiling taxonomies taxonomy taxonomy-assignment tcga TELLSeq telomere templates test text mining Theoretical Seismology tiddit tidyverse time series TitanKrios tmt Tomography Tophat2 topologically associating domains Toxicology training trajectories Trans-Proteomic TransBioNet transcription transcriptional-dynamics transcriptome Transcriptomics transfer learning TRASH Traslational Research tree trend-analysis trends trimming trinity TSI TSI-annotation tss Tsunami tuberculosis tumour Tutorial ultra umi umis Unicycler unique-molecular-identifier unpaired-reads urgent computing vaccines validaiton o protein interaction pred... validated-2022-06-29 variant variant calling variant pathogenicity prediction variant-analysis variant-annotation variant-calling variant_calling variation VARSCAN2 VCF vertebrates vgp viral viral-integration Virology Virus viruses virusintegrationfinder WDL Web Web services well-formed wes west nile WGS whole genome sequencing whole-exome-sequencing whole-genome-alignment whole-genome-sequencing wnt signaling worflow workflow workflow engines workflow managers Workflow RO-Crate Workflow Run RO-Crate workflow4metabolomics WorkflowHub Workflows xcms zika