Terms and Conditions

About us

WorkflowHub is a workflow, data and knowledge registry set up in the framework of EOSC-Life.
Upon request, details about personal information held on WorkflowHub will be supplied within one month. Refusal to provide information will occur only in the case of unjustified circumstances (e.g. an elevated number of requests from a single user is received).

The nature and purpose of use

Personal data is required to register and identify the person responsible for the registration of contributions. Personal data will only be used if users supply it. It is assumed that users supplying data to WorkflowHub have implicitly given permission for its use. Therefore, explicit consent will not be sought after by the WorkflowHub administrators. Personal data will only be used to describe/complete assets that are generated within WorkflowHub. However, external users wishing to register assets and associated personal data can do so, providing that they accept the Privacy Policy described herein. No personal data will be transferred to third parties, unless explicit written permission is obtained from the data owner.

Data registered on WorkflowHub

Data registered on WorkflowHub will include (list not exhaustive):

What information is held?

WorkflowHub holds information about user contributions in order to visualize them graphically and textually, as well as making their declared metadata accessible to the public in different formats such as linked data. This information may be held until explicitly requested for removal, however we reserve the right to remove any workflow from listing without prior notice.
Metadata shown may include personal data, including authorship or as part of workflow descriptions. We retrieve this information from within the workflow and/or the original source.

User responsibility for registering data

It is assumed that users registering contributions to WorkflowHub are either its owners or have sought and obtained permission from the item owners. Therefore, users take full responsibility for the accuracy of the metadata that is supplied and for the decision to publish information related to the workflows and/or data themselves. The WorkflowHub management cannot be held responsible for misuse of workflow or data by users.

Links to other sites

The WorkflowHub may contain links to other sites and registered contributions will be available for harvesting by other databases. In this case, WorkflowHub administrators are not responsible for the Privacy Policy of third party sites and database servers.

Visual content

Any pictures or other visual content used on WorkflowHub belongs to the WorkflowHub administrator or an EOSC-Life project partner. Credits for each content will be given.

Who is the Data Controller

The data controller for WorkflowHub is The University of Manchester.

If WorkflowHub is accessed at a different URL, the data controller is likely someone else.
You may contact the Data Controller to request access to data about yourself, or to request update or removal of your personally identifiable information.

For any enquiries or requests, please contact:
Email: admins@esciencelab.org.uk
WorkflowHub Team, eScience Lab
c/o Shoaib Sufi,
Room 2.70 Dept. of Computer Science,
Kilburn Building,
Oxford Road,
M13 9PL

Service provider

The University of Manchester

Organization website URL


Administration contact


Technical contact

Finn Bacall, The University of Manchester, UK
Stuart Owen, The University of Manchester, UK

Security contact

Finn Bacall, The University of Manchester, UK
Stuart Owen, The University of Manchester, UK

Version: February 2023

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