Privacy Policy


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By using the WorkflowHub service, you agree to the collection and use of the information as described here. If The University of Manchester and WorkflowHub decide to make changes to this privacy policy, we will post the changes on this page so that you will always know what information WorkflowHub collects, and how WorkflowHub uses it.

Use and Purpose of Collected Personal Data

On WorkflowHub, we store personal information relating to you in order to enable our service, to tailor and optimize our service offering to you. We bind our employees to strictly observe your privacy and confidentiality rights.


1. What Information Does WorkflowHub Collect and Why?

IP Addresses

We use IP addresses to help diagnose problems, to administer our Web site, and to gather demographic information. When you visit our site, we recognize only your domain name and not your e-mail address. We will see your e-mail address only if you give it to us by filling out a form or by sending us an e-mail message.


We use cookies to deliver personalized content, to save you having to re-enter your password repeatedly, and to tailor our information offerings to how you and others use the site.

User Registration

When you register with the WorkflowHub we ask for a username, password and email address.
1. Your username is used for authentication and attribution. This information is publicly visible, e.g. when a user views a resource you have created.
2. Your password is stored as a cryptographically-secure hash and is not publicly visible. The hash is hidden as well. We cannot recover your password.
3. Your email address is used to confirm your identity and for use when requesting your password to be reset. The email address is visible to users within your project and programme. You also receive site announcement and project subscription e-mails. We might occasionally contact you via e-mail in order to support you in using our service as well as to improve our service.

In order to fully use the WorkflowHub service, user registration is required and you are assigned to be a member of a project. As WorkflowHub is about finding, sharing and exchanging workflows and data, we use the registration information to identify who uploads the data and who you share the data with.

Additional Personal Information

You may additionally provide a profile, containing your name, a public email address, skype name, website link and avatar. This information is publicly available to all users. Provide this information only for the purpose of sharing it with others.

Creation of WorkflowHub Resources

The details of any workflows, data and other digital assets that you store will be visible to some users. You will be able to control how many users can see this.

Server Logs

When you browse WorkflowHub, the server automatically records logs of which pages you access, when you accessed them, and your IP address. These logs are used to fix errors and are not shared with any third parties. Sensitive information (such as passwords) is automatically stripped out.


WorkflowHub uses local analytics tools to track how users are discovering WorkflowHub and interacting with the service. The information gathered includes which pages you visited, which search terms lead you to WorkflowHub and information about your web browser. No personally identifiable information is kept.

Information Retention

Your information will be retained by WorkflowHub until you choose to remove it, you delete your account, or the WorkflowHub service ceases to exist.
If you want your personally identifiable data to be removed, please contact

2. Links to Other Sites

This site may contain links to other sites. WorkflowHub is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of other Web sites.

3. Choice/Opt-out

You can opt out of receiving site announcement and project subscription e-mails whenever you like, by unsubscribing from these services. You can send an e-mail to WorkflowHub to request the removal of your personal data.

4. Inquiries

The data controller for WorkflowHub is The University of Manchester.

For any enquiries or requests, please contact:
WorkflowHub Team, eScience Lab
c/o Shoaib Sufi,
Room 2.70 Dept. of Computer Science,
Kilburn Building,
Oxford Road,
M13 9PL

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