Workflow Type: Common Workflow Language
- deprecated -
Workflow for sequencing with ONT Nanopore, from basecalling to assembly.
- Guppy (basecalling of raw reads)
- MinIONQC (quality check)
- FASTQ merging from multi into one file
- Kraken2 (taxonomic classification)
- Krona (classification visualization)
- Flye (de novo assembly)
- Medaka (assembly polishing)
- QUAST (assembly quality reports)
All tool CWL files and other workflows can be found here:
Click and drag the diagram to pan, double click or use the controls to zoom.
ID | Name | Description | Type |
identifier | identifier used | Identifier for this dataset used in this workflow |
threads | number of threads | number of threads to use for computational processes |
fast5_files | nanopore reads | folder with Nanopore raw reads |
configuration_command | n/a | n/a |
kraken_database | n/a | database location of kraken2 |
basecall_model | basecalling model | basecalling model used with Guppy |
ID | Name | Description |
workflow_basecalling | Guppy-CPU basecalling | Basecalling with Guppy for CPU of raw reads to FASTQ reads with summary |
workflow_nanopore_noguppy | Nanopore workflow | The rest of the nanopore workflow without basecalling |
guppy_files_to_folder | Guppy output folder | Preparation of Guppy output files to a specific output folder |
workflow_minionqc | MinIONQC quality check | Plots and statistics generated with MinIONQC from basecalling with Guppy |
minionqc_files_to_folder | MinIONQC output folder | Preparation of MinIONQC output files to a specific output folder |
ID | Name | Description | Type |
guppy_output | Guppy for CPU | Basecalling of raw reads with Guppy |
minionqc_output | MinION-Quality-Check | Quality check of basecalling with MinIONQC |
merge_output | FASTQ files merged | Concatenation of FASTQ files from Guppy |
kraken2_output | Kraken2 reports | Kraken2 taxonomic classification reports |
krona_output | Krona taxonomy visualization | Visual presentation in HTML of Kraken2 results |
flye_output | Flye de novo assembler for single-molecule reads | Flye output directory |
medaka_output | Medaka polisher | Polishing of Flye assembly |
quast_output | QUAlity assessment | QUAST analysis output |
Version History
Version 1 (earliest) Created 6th Jan 2022 at 07:36 by Jasper Koehorst
Added/updated 1 files

Discussion Channel
Views: 4208 Downloads: 393
Created: 6th Jan 2022 at 07:36
Last updated: 2nd Nov 2022 at 15:03

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