
The European Marine Omics Biodiversity Observation Network (EMO-BON) is the European Marine Biological Resource Centre’s (EMBRC) response to the need for ecosystem assessment and biological observation of European coastal waters. EMO BON is producing of genomic biodiversity data from 16 coastal stations at frequent time intervals. rich metadata are collected that allow the traceability of the data. Complementary data that included EOVs are collected together with the genomic data. EMO BON genomic data will be deposited to ENA and metadata to PANGEA, EurOBIS and EMODnet Biology. EMBRC aims to make the EMO BON data FAIR, release them openly to the community and provide full provenance information.EMO BON will come up with effective semi-automatic workflows for the management of the observatory data, ensuring the timely release of data and metadata. To this end, effective workflows and strategies for the large metagenomic GO data sets using community standards, vocabularies and ontologies, and following FAIR data principles will be deployed.

Space: Independent Teams

SEEK ID: https://workflowhub.eu/projects/85

Public web page: https://www.embrc.eu/emo-bon

Organisms: No Organisms specified

WorkflowHub PALs: No PALs for this Team

Team created: 22nd Mar 2022

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