ORSON: workflow for prOteome and tRanScriptome functiOnal aNnotation
Version 1

Workflow Type: Nextflow

ORSON combine state-of-the-art tools for annotation processes within a Nextflow pipeline: sequence similarity search (PLAST, BLAST or Diamond), functional annotation retrieval (BeeDeeM) and functional prediction (InterProScan). When required, BUSCO completness evaluation and eggNOG Orthogroup annotation can be activated. While ORSON results can be analyzed through the command-line, it also offers the possibility to be compatible with BlastViewer or Blast2GO graphical tools.

Version History

Version 1 (earliest) Created 8th Jul 2021 at 15:18 by Patrick Durand

Updated main.nf

Open master 25bfdfb
Cormier, A., Durand, P., & Noel, C. (2021). ORSON: workflow for prOteome and tRanScriptome functiOnal aNnotation. WorkflowHub. https://doi.org/10.48546/WORKFLOWHUB.WORKFLOW.136.1

Views: 2464   Downloads: 258

Created: 8th Jul 2021 at 15:18

Last updated: 8th Jul 2021 at 15:38

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