Analysis of Protein-Protein Interactions networks and cross-species transfer learning comparison for seven organisms


Motivation Protein-protein interactions (PPIs) can be used for a plenty of applications like inferring protein functions or even helping the drug discovery process. For human specie, there is a lot of validated information and functional annotations for the proteins in its interactome. In other species, the known interactome is much smaller compared with human and there are many proteins with few or no annotations by specialists. Understanding the interactome of other species helps to trace evolutionary characteristics, compare important biological processes and also build interactomes for new organisms according to other organisms more related with it instead of relying just to the human interactome.

Results In this study, we evaluate the performance of PredPrIn workflow in predicting interactome for seven organisms in terms of scalability and precision showing that PredPrIn gets over than 70% of precision and it takes less than three days even on the largest datasets. We made a transfer learning analysis predicting an organism interactome from each other organism, we then showed an implication regarding to their evolutionary relation in the number of ortholog proteins shared between these organisms. We also present an analysis of functional enrichment showing the proportion of shared annotations between positive and false interactions predicted and extraction of topological features of each organism interactome such as proteins acting as hubs and bridge between modules. From each organism, one of the most frequent biological processes was selected and the proteins and pairs present in it were compared in terms of quantity in the interactome available in HINT database for that organism and the one predicted by PredPrIn. In this comparison we showed that we covered those proteins and pairs covered in HINT and also enriched these processes for almost all organisms.

Conclusions In this work, we have proved the efficiency of PredPrIn workflow for protein interaction prediction for seven different organisms using scalability, performance and transfer learning analyses. We have also made cross-species interactome comparisons showing the most frequent biological processes for each organism as well as the topological features of each organism interactome showing the consistency with hypothesis about biological networks. Finally, we described the enrichment made by PredPrIn in selected biological processes showing that its prediction was important to enhance information about these organisms interactomes.

Citation: biorxiv;2023.06.05.543725v1,[Preprint]

Date Published: 7th Jun 2023

Registered Mode: by DOI

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Martins, Y. C. (2023). Analysis of Protein-Protein Interactions networks and cross-species transfer learning comparison for seven organisms. In []. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.

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Created: 23rd Oct 2023 at 15:23

Last updated: 23rd Oct 2023 at 15:24

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