What is a Workflow?Filters
The simplest workflow among a collection of workflows intended to solve tasks up to CTF estimation.
Name: KMeans Contact Person: Access Level: public License Agreement: Apache2 Platform: COMPSs Machine: MareNostrum5
KMEans for clustering the housing.csv dataset ( This application used dislib-0.9.0
Name: TruncatedSVD (Randomized SVD) Contact Person: Access Level: public License Agreement: Apache2 Platform: COMPSs Machine: MareNostrum5
TruncatedSVD (Randomized SVD) for computing just 456 singular values out of a (4.5M x 850) size matrix. The input matrix represents a CFD transient simulation of air moving past a cylinder. This application used dislib-0.9.0
Microbiome - Variant calling and Consensus Building
Nanopore datasets analysis - Phylogenetic Identification - antibiotic resistance genes detection and contigs building
Microbiome - QC and Contamination Filtering
Pathogens of all samples report generation and visualization
Microbiome - Taxonomy Profiling
Type: Nextflow
Creators: Arnau Soler Costa, Amy Curwin, Jordi Rambla, All the Sarek team, nf-core comunity and people in the IMPaCT-Data project.
Submitter: Arnau Soler Costa