
Workflow Type: Snakemake


This is a simple snakemake workflow template for preparing single-end ChIP-Seq data. The steps implemented are:

  1. Download raw fastq files from SRA
  2. Trim and Filter raw fastq files using AdapterRemoval
  3. Align to the supplied genome using bowtie2
  4. Deduplicate Alignments using Picard MarkDuplicates
  5. Call Macs2 Peaks using macs2

A pdf of the rulegraph is available here

Full details for each step are given below. Any additional parameters for tools can be specified using config/config.yml, along with many of the requisite paths

To run the workflow with default settings, simply run as follows (after editing config/samples.tsv)

snakemake --use-conda --cores 16

If running on an HPC cluster, a snakemake profile will required for submission to the queueing system and appropriate resource allocation. Please discuss this will your HPC support team. Nodes may also have restricted internet access and rules which download files may not work on many HPCs. Please see below or discuss this with your support team

Whilst no snakemake wrappers are explicitly used in this workflow, the underlying scripts are utilised where possible to minimise any issues with HPC clusters with restrictions on internet access. These scripts are based on v1.31.1 of the snakemake wrappers

Important Note Regarding OSX Systems

It should be noted that this workflow is currently incompatible with OSX-based systems. There are two unsolved issues

  1. fasterq-dump has a bug which is specific to conda environments. This has been updated in v3.0.3 but this patch has not yet been made available to conda environments for OSX. Please check here to see if this has been updated.
  2. The following error appears in some OSX-based R sessions, in a system-dependent manner:
Error in grid.Call(C_textBounds, as.graphicsAnnot(x$label), x$x, x$y,  : 
  polygon edge not found

The fix for this bug is currently unknown

Download Raw Data


The file samples.tsv is used to specify all steps for this workflow. This file must contain the columns: accession, target, treatment and input

  1. accession must be an SRA accession. Only single-end data is currently supported by this workflow
  2. target defines the ChIP target. All files common to a target and treatment will be used to generate summarised coverage in bigWig Files
  3. treatment defines the treatment group each file belongs to. If only one treatment exists, simply use the value 'control' or similar for every file
  4. input should contain the accession for the relevant input sample. These will only be downloaded once. Valid input samples are required for this workflow

As some HPCs restrict internet access for submitted jobs, it may be prudent to run the initial rules in an interactive session if at all possible. This can be performed using the following (with 2 cores provided as an example)

snakemake --use-conda --until get_fastq --cores 2


  • Downloaded files will be gzipped and written to data/fastq/raw.
  • FastQC and MultiQC will also be run, with output in docs/qc/raw

Both of these directories are able to be specified as relative paths in config.yml

Read Filtering


Read trimming is performed using AdapterRemoval. Default settings are customisable using config.yml, with the defaults set to discard reads shorter than 50nt, and to trim using quality scores with a threshold of Q30.


  • Trimmed fastq.gz files will be written to data/fastq/trimmed
  • FastQC and MultiQC will also be run, with output in docs/qc/trimmed
  • AdapterRemoval 'settings' files will be written to output/adapterremoval



Alignment is performed using bowtie2 and it is assumed that this index is available before running this workflow. The path and prefix must be provided using config.yml

This index will also be used to produce the file chrom.sizes which is essential for conversion of bedGraph files to the more efficient bigWig files.


  • Alignments will be written to data/aligned
  • bowtie2 log files will be written to output/bowtie2 (not the conenvtional log directory)
  • The file chrom.sizes will be written to output/annotations

Both sorted and the original unsorted alignments will be returned. However, the unsorted alignments are marked with temp() and can be deleted using

snakemake --delete-temp-output --cores 1



Deduplication is performed using MarkDuplicates from the Picard set of tools. By default, deduplication will remove the duplicates from the set of alignments. All resultant bam files will be sorted and indexed.


  • Deduplicated alignments are written to data/deduplicated and are indexed
  • DuplicationMetrics files are written to output/markDuplicates

Peak Calling


This is performed using macs2 callpeak.

  • Peak calling will be performed on: a. each sample individually, and b. merged samples for those sharing a common ChIP target and treatment group.
  • Coverage bigWig files for each individual sample are produced using CPM values (i.e. Signal Per Million Reads, SPMR)
  • For all combinations of target and treatment coverage bigWig files are also produced, along with fold-enrichment bigWig files


  • Individual outputs are written to output/macs2/{accession}
    • Peaks are written in narrowPeak format along with summits.bed
    • bedGraph files are automatically converted to bigWig files, and the originals are marked with temp() for subsequent deletion
    • callpeak log files are also added to this directory
  • Merged outputs are written to output/macs2/{target}/
    • bedGraph Files are also converted to bigWig and marked with temp()
    • Fold-Enrichment bigWig files are also created with the original bedGraph files marked with temp()

Version History

v0.1.0 (earliest) Created 9th Jul 2023 at 09:54 by Stevie Pederson

Copied files from PRJNA509779 after resetting for phoenix

Frozen v0.1.0 16d96b9
help Creators and Submitter
Pederson, S. (2023). prepareChIPs: WorkflowHub.

Views: 1719   Downloads: 203

Created: 9th Jul 2023 at 09:54

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