Evaluation IA-Biodiv workflow
Version 1

Workflow Type: Galaxy

Workflow permettant de prendre en entrée les résultats du challenge IA-biodiv par tâche, le fichier de référence par tâche afin de faire tourner un jupyter notebook produisant les scores pour chaque consortium participant.


ID Name Description Type
IABiodiv_DryRun_participant_v.tsv #main/IABiodiv_DryRun_participant_v.tsv AI submission file, participants results to evaluate
  • File
Tn_attributes_REF.tsv #main/Tn_attributes_REF.tsv AI evaluation reference file
  • File


ID Name Description
2 Evaluation on task interactive_tool_jupyter_notebook

Version History

Version 1 (earliest) Created 15th Oct 2024 at 14:25 by Yvan Le Bras

Initial commit

Frozen Version-1 da4d436
help Creators and Submitter
Le Bras, Y., & Caon (LNE), Daniel. (2024). Evaluation IA-Biodiv workflow. WorkflowHub. https://doi.org/10.48546/WORKFLOWHUB.WORKFLOW.1181.1

Views: 51   Downloads: 5   Runs: 0

Created: 15th Oct 2024 at 14:25

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Total size: 5.05 KB
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