PISAD - Phsaed Intraspecies Sample Anomalies Detection tool
main @ 01f7a4a

Workflow Type: Argo Workflow

PISAD - Phsaed Intraspecies Sample Anomalies Detection tool


We developed PISAD, a tool designed to detect anomalies in cohort samples without requiring reference information. It is primarily divided into two stages. Stage 1: We select low-error data from the cohort and conduct reference-free SNP calling to construct a variant sketch. Stage 2: By comparing the k-mer counts of other cohort data to the variant sketch, we infer the relationships between the sample and other samples to detect the sample swap.


recommend use conda to install

  • GCC (Tested on 8.5.0)
  • gperftools(2.10)
  • hdf5(1.14.3)
  • boost(1.85.0)


cloning the PISAD repository to your machine and enter its directory.

 git clone https://github.com/ZhantianXu/PISAD.git
 cd pisad/

Compiling should be as easy as:

./configure && make

To install in a specified directory:

./configure --prefix=/PATH && make install


Stage1: SNP callng :

First, we select a low-error-rate sequencing dataset as the target sample for rapid SNP calling. It supports multi-threaded processing.


./run.sh -i /data/hg002.fastq.gz -m 0
    Required parameters:
      -i:        Input files ( *.fastq or *.fastq.gz files)
      -m:        Heterozygosity parameter (0 for <1.2%, 1 otherwise)
    Optional parameters:
      -k:        kmer-size (default: 21)
      -t:        thread (default: 8)"
      -o:        Output prefix (defaults: first input file's prefix)
      -d1:       Directory for dsk files (default: current directory)
      -d2:       Directory for output plot (default: current directory)
      -d3:       Directory for SNP output (default: current directory)
      -h:        Show this help message
    Advanced optional parameters:
      -est:      est_kmercov (default: Estimated by algorithm)
      -cutoff:   cutoff threshold (defaults: 0.95)
      -het:      Initial heterozygosity (defaults: 0/0.12)
      -rho:      Initial rho value (defaults: 0.2)
      -setleft:  Left boundary of the heterozygous region (defaults: Estimated by algorithm)
      -setright: Right boundary of the heterozygous region (defaults: Estimated by algorithm)
Stage1: construct variant sketch:

Next, we convert the called SNPs into a variant sketch.

./create -i /snp/hg002_21_2_4_pairex.snp
    Required parameters:
      -i:        Input files ( .snp file)
    Optional parameters:
      -k:        kmer-size (default: 21)
      -l:        Filtering threshold (default: 21)
      -o:        Output prefix (defaults: current directory)
Stage2: count the k-mers:

we compare the k-mer counts of other cohort samples to the variant sketch to infer relationships between them. Files may be gzipped and multiple threads can be used.

./pisadCount -s /fa/hg002.fa /data/hg003.fastq.gz
    Usage: ./pisadCount -s [FASTA] [OPTION]... [FILES...]
    Required options:
        -s:         variant sketch (one or more)
    Optional options:
        -t:      Number of threads to run (default: 1)
        -m:      k-mer coverage threshold for early termination (default: inf)
        -i:      extra debug information
        -k:      k-mer size used (default: 21)
        -o:      Evaluation file path (defaults: current directory)
        -h:      Display this dialog

Here, the -s option allows inputting multiple FA files for variant sketching, separated by commas, such as -s /fa/hg002.fa,/fa/hg001.fa. If your input file has a high coverage, you can also add the -m parameter to control the reading process and save time, such as -m 10.

Stage2:Evaluate the samples:

Input the statistics of samples to calculate their relationship and detect sample swaps.

./pisadEval /homeb/xuzt/coverage/eval/hg002_hg003.txt > summary.tsv
    Usage: ./pisadEval [OPTION]... [FILES...]
    Optional options:
        -t:      Number of threads to run(default: 1)
        -h:      Display this dialog

Version History

main @ 01f7a4a (earliest) Created 19th Mar 2025 at 02:17 by zhantian xu

Multi-platform support

Frozen main 01f7a4a
help Creators and Submitter
  • zhantian xu
Xu, Z. (2025). PISAD - Phsaed Intraspecies Sample Anomalies Detection tool. WorkflowHub. https://doi.org/10.48546/WORKFLOWHUB.WORKFLOW.1322.1

Views: 85   Downloads: 10

Created: 19th Mar 2025 at 02:17

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