Workflow Type: Playbook Workflow Builder Workflow
The workflow starts with selecting KLF6 as the search term. RNA-seq-like LINCS L1000 Signatures[1] which mimick or reverse the the expression of KLF6 were visualized. Median expression of KLF6 was obtained from the GTEx Portal[6] using the portal's API. To visualize the scored tissues, a vertical bar plot was created Fig..
- Evangelista, J. E. et al. SigCom LINCS: data and metadata search engine for a million gene expression signatures. Nucleic Acids Research vol. 50 W697–W709 (2022). doi:10.1093/nar/gkac328
- Lonsdale, J. et al. The Genotype-Tissue Expression (GTEx) project. Nature Genetics vol. 45 580–585 (2013). doi:10.1038/ng.2653
Click and drag the diagram to pan, double click or use the controls to zoom.
ID | Name | Description | Type |
step-1-data | Gene Input | Start with a Gene |
ID | Name | Description |
step-1 | Gene Input | Start with a Gene |
step-2 | LINCS L1000 Reverse Search | Identify RNA-seq-like LINCS L1000 Signatures which reverse the expression of the gene. |
step-3 | Query GTEx Median Tissue Expression | Use GTEx API to obtain median tissue expression for the given gene |
step-4 | Vertical bar plot from Scored Tissues | Construct a vertical bar plot with Scored Tissues |
ID | Name | Description | Type |
step-1-output | Gene | Gene Term |
step-2-output | LINCS L1000 Reverse Search Dashboard | A dashboard for performing L1000 Reverse Search queries for a given gene |
step-3-output | Scored Tissues | ZScores of Tissues |
step-4-output | Plotly Plot | A plot rendered using the [plotly.js library]( |
Version History
Version 1 (earliest) Created 13th Jan 2025 at 21:13 by Daniel Clarke
Initial commit

NIH CFDE, P. P. (2025). Use Case 6: CFDE Knowledge about a Gene. WorkflowHub.
Views: 163 Downloads: 43
Created: 13th Jan 2025 at 21:13

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