Workflow Type: Nextflow


Repository for Nextflow pipeline used in demuxSNP demultipelxing paper

Overall workflow

  1. Simulate doublets
  1. Benchmark methods
  • Experiments 1: Vary doublet rate
  • Experiment 2: Vary SNP subsetting


Most inputs are specified in nextflow.config: container__souporcell: path to souporcell apptainer image, ideally at top level of project.
bam_path: Path to demultiplexed bam files.
barcodes_path: Path to demultiplexed barcodes.
tenx: Path to barcodes.tsv, features.tsv and matrix.mtx files from multiplexed 10X output.
common_variants: common variants e.g. from 1K genome project.
ref: path to reference genome, ideally in data/input directory.

Doublet simulation parameters are specified in params_ccrcc.csv The workflow caters for subsampling (also specified in params_ccrcc.csv) although this was not explored in the paper.


Folder for each simulated scenario (e.g. seed, % doublets, number of genes used to subset) SingleCellExperiment object in each demuxSNP folder.

Known issues

Input files used by souporcell/apptainer need to be stored below the image. Apptainer must be bound to the project directory (variable in nextflow.config).

Version History

0.99.1 (latest) Created 16th Sep 2024 at 15:22 by Michael Lynch

On branch main Your branch is up to date with 'origin/main'.

Changes to be committed: modified: .gitignore modified: data/input/.gitignore modified: data/output/.gitignore Updated .gitignore files

Frozen main 4a46404

0.99.0 (earliest) Created 10th Sep 2024 at 10:35 by Michael Lynch

add input folder

Frozen main 35e01f4
help Creators and Submitter
  • Michael Lynch
Additional credit

Leverages scripts developed by Weber et al (2021) DOI:

Lynch, M. (2024). Demultiplexing Doublet Benchmark. WorkflowHub.

Views: 235   Downloads: 63

Created: 10th Sep 2024 at 10:35

Last updated: 16th Sep 2024 at 15:22

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