Joined: 2nd May 2023
Expertise: Not specified
Tools: Not specified
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Welcome to the ERGA Space!
Here we collect, curate and develop pipelines to assemble and annotation reference-quality genomes for all eukaryotic life.
For Genome Assembly pipelines head to our Assembly Team
For Genome Annotation pipelines head to our Annotation Team
Development, discussions and issue tracking takes place in the ERGA github repo
If you would like to join ...
Teams: ERGA Assembly, ERGA Annotation
Web page:
Biodiversity Genomics Europe, funded by Horizon Europe call HORIZON-CL6-2021-BIODIV-01-01, aims at aligning the resources and research agendas of both DNA barcoding and reference genome generation, thus opening the door for a true quantum leap in biodiversity genomics research in Europe.
Despite ground-breaking developments in both DNA barcoding and full genome sequencing, there remains a critical need to develop and strengthen functioning communities of practice ...
Teams: Vertebrate Genomes Pipelines in Galaxy, Biodiversity Genomics Europe (general)
Web page:
This is a general team for the BGE project for any members affiliated directly or indirectly with the BGE project.
To request joining this team, make sure sure your WorkflowHub institution matches one of the listed BGE partners.
Space: Biodiversity Genomics Europe (BGE)
Public web page:
Start date: 1st Sep 2022
End date: 28th Feb 2026
Organisms: Not specified
A collection of workflows and pipelines developed as part of the ERGA consortium
Space: ERGA
Public web page:
Organisms: Not specified
A collection of workflows designed to annotate elements of the genome. These include repeat regions, protein-coding genes, ncRNA, miRNA.
Space: ERGA
Public web page: Not specified
Organisms: Not specified
HiC scaffolding pipeline
Snakemake pipeline for scaffolding of a genome using HiC reads using yahs.
This pipeine has been tested using Snakemake v7.32.4
and requires conda for installation of required tools. To run the pipline use the command:
snakemake --use-conda --cores N
where N is number of cores to use. There are provided a set of configuration and running scripts for exectution on a slurm queueing system. After configuring the cluster.json
file run:
Purge dups
This snakemake pipeline is designed to be run using as input a contig-level genome and pacbio reads. This pipeline has been tested with snakemake v7.32.4
. Raw long-read sequencing files and the input contig genome assembly must be given in the config.yaml
file. To execute the workflow run:
snakemake --use-conda --cores N
Or configure the cluster.json and run using the ./run_cluster
HiC contact map generation
Snakemake pipeline for the generation of .pretext
and .mcool
files for visualisation of HiC contact maps with the softwares PretextView and HiGlass, respectively.
This pipeine has been tested using Snakemake v7.32.4
and requires conda for installation of required tools. To run the pipline use the command:
snakemake --use-conda
There are provided a set of configuration and running scripts for exectution on a slurm queueing system. After configuring ...
ANNOTATO - Annotation workflow To Annotate Them Oll
ERGA Protein-coding gene annotation workflow.
Adapted from the work of Sagane Joye:
The following programs are required to run the workflow and the listed version were tested. It should be noted that older versions of snakemake are not compatible with newer versions of singularity as is noted here:
conda v 23.7.3
Pipelines used by the genomes assembly teams part of the Biodiversity Genomics Europe project
Collection of workflows designed to assembled a set of PacBio HiFi and Illumina HiC reads into a chromosome-scale de-novo assembly.
Development versions of these pipelines can be found in the ERGA github and any questions or queries can be raised on the ERGA Discussions Channel
Want to find out more about the work done by ERGA? Become a member ...
Collection of de-novo genome assembly workflows written for implementation in Galaxy
Input data should be PacBio HiFi reads and Illumina 3-dimensional Chromatin Confirmation Capture (HiC) reads
Executing all workflows will output two scaffolded haplotype assemblies and the complete QC analyses
Please run the workflows in order: WF0 (there are two, one for HiFi and one for Illumina HiC), WF1, WF2, WF3, WF4
Maintainers: Tom Brown, Diego De Panis
Number of items: 6
Tags: Assembly, Bioinformatics, Galaxy, Genomics, Genome assembly, HiFi, Hi-C