Expertise: High Performance Computing, Scientific workflow developement, Software Engineering, astronomy
Tools: Galaxy, Jupyter notebook, Python, Workflows, Git
Teams: IBISBA Workflows, EOSC-Life WP3, NGFF Tools, Euro-BioImaging, AI4Life OC
Organizations: Unspecified, EMBL-EBI, Euro-BioImaging

Expertise: image analysis
Teams: Galaxy Training Network
Organizations: Erasmus University Medical Centre

Expertise: Genomics, amplicon analysis, Microbiology
Tools: Galaxy
Post-doc at ErasmusMC, Galaxy Training Network (GTN) Lead
Expertise: Bioinformatics, Computer Science, Data Management, Genetics, Genomics, Machine Learning, Metagenomics, NGS, Scientific workflow developement, Software Engineering
Tools: Databases, Galaxy, Genomics, Jupyter notebook, Machine Learning, Nextflow, nf-core, PCR, Perl, Python, R, rtPCR, Snakemake, Transcriptomics, Virology, Web, Web services, Workflows
Dad, husband and PhD. Scientist, technologist and engineer. Bibliophile. Philomath. Passionate about science, medicine, research, computing and all things geeky!
Teams: Bioinformatics Innovation Lab
Organizations: Pondicherry University

Expertise: Bioinformatics, Systems Biology, Machine Learning
Tools: Galaxy, Cytoscape, Databases, Jupyter notebook, R, Python
Ph.D. Student at Department of Bioinformatics, Pondicherry University
Teams: GalaxyProject SARS-CoV-2
Organizations: Earlham Institute

Expertise: Bioinformatics
Tools: Galaxy
Research Director @ INRAe