IWC - Intergalactic Workflow Commission
Space: This Team is not associated with a Space
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Organisms: Not specified
The EuroScienceGateway project is producing and maintaining workflows. We need to register those workflows in WorkflowHub:
- To give visibility to the workflows created by the project and by the different networks and communities within the project
- To give visibility to the workflows used by project that were created
- To share workflows across the project, within project networks and externally
- To credit and cite the people making the workflows and the ...
Creators: Stian Soiland-Reyes, Carole Goble, Finn Bacall
Submitter: Stian Soiland-Reyes
COVID-19: variation analysis on WGS PE data
This workflows performs paired end read mapping with bwa-mem followed by sensitive variant calling across a wide range of AFs with lofreq and variant annotation with snpEff 4.5covid19.
Downloads fastq files for sequencing run accessions provided in a text file using fasterq-dump. Creates one job per listed run accession.
This workflow takes a VCF dataset of variants produced by any of the *-variant-calling workflows in and generates tabular lists of variants by Samples and by Variant, and an overview plot of variants and their allele-frequencies.
Generic variation analysis reporting
This workflow generates reports from a list of variants generated by Variant Calling Workflow.
The workflow accepts a single input:
- A collection of VCF files
The workflow produces two outputs (format description below):
- A list of variants grouped by Sample
- A list of variants grouped by Variant
Here is example of output by sample. In this table all varinats in all samples are epxlicitrly listed:
| Sample | ...
Find and annotate variants in ampliconic SARS-CoV-2 Illumina sequencing data and classify samples with pangolin and nextclade
VGP Workflow #1
This workflow produces a Meryl database and Genomescope outputs that will be used to determine parameters for following workflows, and assess the quality of genome assemblies. Specifically, it provides information about the genomic complexity, such as the genome size and levels of heterozygosity and repeat content, as well about the data quality.
- A collection of Hifi long reads in FASTQ format
- k-mer length
- Ploidy
- Meryl Database of kmer counts
Microbiome - Taxonomy Profiling
Create Meryl Database used for the estimation of assembly parameters and quality control with Merqury. Part of the VGP pipeline.
Nanopore datasets analysis - Phylogenetic Identification - antibiotic resistance genes detection and contigs building
COVID-19: consensus construction
This workflow aims at generating reliable consensus sequences from variant calls according to transparent criteria that capture at least some of the complexity of variant calling.
It takes a collection of VCFs (with DP and DP4 INFO fields) and a collection of the corresponding aligned reads (for the purpose of calculating genome-wide coverage) such as produced by any of the variant calling workflows in ...
SARS-CoV-2 variant prediction using Read It And Keep, fastp, bbmap and iVar
Microbiome - Variant calling and Consensus Building
This workflow uses the decoupler tool in Galaxy to generate pseudobulk counts from an annotated AnnData file obtained from scRNA-seq analysis. Following the pseudobulk step, differential expression genes (DEG) are calculated using the edgeR tool. The workflow also includes data sanitation steps to ensure smooth operation of edgeR and minimizing potential issues. Additionally, a Volcano plot tool is used to visualize the results after the DEG analysis.
Type: Galaxy
Creators: Diana Chiang Jurado, Pavankumar Videm, Pablo Moreno
Submitter: WorkflowHub Bot
Scaffolding using HiC data with YAHS
This workflow has been created from a Vertebrate Genomes Project (VGP) scaffolding workflow.
- For more information about the VGP project see
- The scaffolding workflow is at
- Please see that link for the workflow diagram.
Some minor changes have been made to better fit with TSI project data:
- optional inputs of SAK info ...
Microbiome - QC and Contamination Filtering
GROMACS dcTMD free energy calculation
Perform an ensemble of targeted MD simulations of a user-specified size using the GROMACS PULL code and calculate dcTMD free energy and friction profiles for the resulting dissocation pathway. Note that pathway separation is not performed by the workflow; the user is responsible for checking the ensemble themselves.
The input protein (PDB) and ligand (SDF) files provided are parameterized by the 'Protein-ligand complex parameterization' subworkflow.
Note ...
A workflow for the analysis of pox virus genomes sequenced as half-genomes (for ITR resolution) in a tiled-amplicon approach
Pathogens of all samples report generation and visualization
COVID-19: variation analysis on ARTIC ONT data
This workflow for ONT-sequenced ARTIC data is modeled after the alignment/variant-calling steps of the ARTIC pipeline. It performs, essentially, the same steps as that pipeline’s minion command, i.e. read mapping with minimap2 and variant calling with medaka. Like the Illumina ARTIC workflow it uses ivar for primer trimming. Since ONT-sequenced reads have a much ...
COVID-19: variation analysis on WGS SE data
This workflows performs single end read mapping with bowtie2 followed by sensitive variant calling across a wide range of AFs with lofreq and variant annotation with snpEff 4.5covid19.