A community effort to collect a curated set of analysis pipelines built using Nextflow.
Web page: https://nf-co.re
Funding details:Related items
Teams: Intergalactic Workflow Commission (IWC), Vertebrate Genomes Pipelines in Galaxy, nf-core, iwc
Organizations: Bots, European Galaxy Team
Teams: nf-core
Organizations: National University of Ireland, Galway
Expertise: Bioinformatics
Bioinformatician in Stockholm, Sweden. Lead for nf-core and MultiQC projects.
A community effort to collect a curated set of analysis pipelines built using Nextflow.
Space: nf-core
Public web page: https://nf-co.re
Organisms: Not specified
Pairwise alignment pipeline (genome to genome or reads to genome)
A pipeline for de novo transcriptome assembly of short reads from bulk RNA-seq
A pipeline for ortholog fetching and analysis
GATK4 RNA variant calling pipeline
Nextflow rnafusion analysis pipeline, part of the nf-core community.
An analysis pipeline for Molecular Cartography data from Resolve Biosciences.
Methylation (Bisulfite-Sequencing) Best Practice analysis pipeline, part of the nf-core community.
Precision HLA typing from next-generation sequencing data.
Type: Nextflow
Creators: Christopher Mohr, Alexander Peltzer, Sven Fillinger
Submitter: WorkflowHub Bot
Pipeline for the analysis of crispr data
Type: Nextflow
Creators: mirpedrol , mirpedrol , Júlia Mir Pedrol, mirpedrol , mirpedrol , Laurence Kuhlburger
Submitter: WorkflowHub Bot
Assembly and intrahost/low-frequency variant calling for viral samples
Type: Nextflow
Creators: Sarai Varona and Sara Monzon, Patel H, Varona S and Monzon S
Submitter: WorkflowHub Bot
Integration of viral sequences in genomic data
Taxonomic classification and profiling of shotgun metagenomic data
Type: Nextflow
Creators: James A. Fellows Yates, Sofia Stamouli, Moritz E. Beber, Lauri Mesilaakso, Thomas A. Christensen II, Jianhong Ou, Mahwash Jamy, Maxime Borry, Rafal Stepien, Tanja Normark
Submitter: WorkflowHub Bot
Spatial Transcriptomics
Type: Nextflow
Creators: Sergii Domanskyi, Jeffrey Chuang, Anuj Srivastava
Submitter: WorkflowHub Bot
Small RNA-Seq Best Practice Analysis Pipeline.
Type: Nextflow
Creators: Phil Ewels <phil.ewels@scilifelab.se>, P. Ewels <phil.ewels@scilifelab.se>, P. Ewels, Chuan Wang <chuan.wang@scilifelab.se>, C. Wang <chuan.wang@scilifelab.se>, C. Wang, Rickard Hammarén <rickard.hammaren@scilifelab.se>, R. Hammarén <rickard.hammaren@scilifelab.se>, R. Hammarén, Lorena Pantano <lorena.pantano@gmail.com>, L. Pantano <lorena.pantano@gmail.com>, L. Pantano
Submitter: WorkflowHub Bot
SLAMseq analysis using Slamdunk with various T>C conversion quantifications and QC
Pipeline for processing 10x Genomics single cell rnaseq data
Type: Nextflow
Creators: Peter J Bailey, Bailey PJ, Alexander Peltzer, Botvinnik O, Olga Botvinnik, Marques de Almeida F, Peltzer A, Sturm G
Submitter: WorkflowHub Bot
An open-source analysis pipeline to detect germline or somatic variants from whole genome or targeted sequencing
Alternative splicing analysis using RNA-seq.