
What is a Collection?
2 Collections visible to you, out of a total of 2

Collection of de-novo genome assembly workflows written for implementation in Galaxy

Input data should be Oxford Nanopore raw reads plus Illumina WGS reads and Illumina 3-dimensional Chromatin Confirmation Capture (HiC) reads

Executing all workflows will output one scaffolded collapsed assembly and the complete QC analyses

Please run the workflows in order: WF0 (there are two, one for ONT, and another one for Illumina that can be used independently for the WGS and HiC reads), WF1, WF2, WF3, WF4

Maintainers: Diego De Panis

Number of items: 6

Tags: Assembly, Bioinformatics, Galaxy, Genomics, Genome assembly, ONT, illumina, Hi-C

Collection of de-novo genome assembly workflows written for implementation in Galaxy

Input data should be Oxford Nanopore raw reads plus Illumina WGS reads and Illumina 3-dimensional Chromatin Confirmation Capture (HiC) reads

Executing all workflows will output one scaffolded collapsed assembly and the complete QC analyses

Please run the workflows in order: WF0 (there are two, one for ONT, and another one for Illumina that can be used independently for the WGS and HiC reads), WF1, WF2, WF3, WF4

Maintainers: Diego De Panis

Number of items: 6

Tags: Assembly, Bioinformatics, Galaxy, Genomics, Genome assembly, ONT, illumina, Hi-C

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