Assess genome quality
Version 1

Workflow Type: Galaxy

Assess genome quality; can run alone or as part of a combined workflow for large genome assembly.

  • What it does: Assesses the quality of the genome assembly: generate some statistics and determine if expected genes are present; align contigs to a reference genome.
  • Inputs: polished assembly; reference_genome.fasta (e.g. of a closely-related species, if available).
  • Outputs: Busco table of genes found; Quast HTML report, and link to Icarus contigs browser, showing contigs aligned to a reference genome
  • Tools used: Busco, Quast
  • Input parameters: None required

Workflow steps:

Polished assembly => Busco

  • First: predict genes in the assembly: using Metaeuk
  • Second: compare the set of predicted genes to the set of expected genes in a particular lineage. Default setting for lineage: Eukaryota

Polished assembly and a reference genome => Quast

  • Contigs/scaffolds file: polished assembly
  • Type of assembly: Genome
  • Use a reference genome: Yes
  • Reference genome: Arabidopsis genome
  • Is the genome large (> 100Mbp)? Yes.
  • All other settings as defaults, except second last setting: Distinguish contigs with more than 50% unaligned bases as a separate group of contigs?: change to No


Gene prediction:

  • Change tool used by Busco to predict genes in the assembly: instead of Metaeuk, use Augustus.
  • To do this: select: Use Augustus; Use another predefined species model; then choose from the drop down list.
  • Select from a database of trained species models. list here:
  • Note: if using Augustus: it may fail if the input assembly is too small (e.g. a test-size data assembly). It can't do the training part properly.

Compare genes found to other lineage:

  • Busco has databases of lineages and their expected genes. Option to change lineage.
  • Not all lineages are available - there is a mix of broader and narrower lineages. - list of lineages here:
  • To see the groups in taxonomic hierarchies: Eukaryotes:
  • For example, if you have a plant species from Fabales, you could set that as the lineage.
  • The narrower the taxonomic group, the more total genes are expected.

Infrastructure_deployment_metadata: Galaxy Australia (Galaxy)


ID Name Description Type
Polished assembly Polished assembly n/a
  • File
Reference genome Reference genome n/a
  • File


ID Name Description
2 Busco: assess assembly
3 Quast: assess assembly


ID Name Description Type
_anonymous_output_1 _anonymous_output_1 n/a
  • File
Busco summary image Busco summary image n/a
  • File
_anonymous_output_2 _anonymous_output_2 n/a
  • File
Busco short summary Busco short summary n/a
  • File
Quast on input dataset(s): Log Quast on input dataset(s): Log n/a
  • File
_anonymous_output_3 _anonymous_output_3 n/a
  • File
Quast on input dataset(s): PDF report Quast on input dataset(s): PDF report n/a
  • File
Quast on input dataset(s): tabular report Quast on input dataset(s): tabular report n/a
  • File
Quast on input dataset(s): HTML report Quast on input dataset(s): HTML report n/a
  • File
_anonymous_output_4 _anonymous_output_4 n/a
  • File

Version History

Version 1 (earliest) Created 8th Nov 2021 at 06:03 by Anna Syme

Added/updated 2 files

Open master a760082
help Creators and Submitter
Syme, A. (2021). Assess genome quality. WorkflowHub.

Views: 3810   Downloads: 182

Created: 8th Nov 2021 at 06:03

Last updated: 9th Nov 2021 at 01:12

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Total size: 166 KB
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