HiFi de novo genome assembly workflow
HiFi-assembly-workflow is a bioinformatics pipeline that can be used to analyse Pacbio CCS reads for de novo genome assembly using PacBio Circular Consensus Sequencing (CCS) reads. This workflow is implemented in Nextflow and has 3 major sections.
Please refer to the following documentation for detailed description of each workflow section:
General recommendations
A more detailed module and workflow description as well as execution examples on Gadi and Setonix are available here.
This work was developed at AGRF and supported by the Australian BioCommons via Bioplatforms Australia funding, the Australian Research Data Commons (https://doi.org/10.47486/PL105) and the Queensland Government RICF programme. Bioplatforms Australia and the Australian Research Data Commons are enabled by the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS).
The documentation in this repository is based on Australian BioCommons guidelines.
Version History
master @ f8a0e23 (earliest) Created 31st Aug 2023 at 08:41 by Johan Gustafsson
minor fixes

Views: 2717 Downloads: 340
Created: 31st Aug 2023 at 08:41
Last updated: 31st Aug 2023 at 08:52

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