
What is a Team?
13 Teams found

Common Infrastructure for National Cohorts in Europe, Canada, and Africa

Over the last forty years, we have seen the emergence of increasing numbers of large cohorts of human samples from research and national healthcare initiatives (e.g. UK Biobank, H3Africa). In Europe alone, the BBMRI-ERIC directory lists nearly 600 distinct biobanks with over 100 million samples of biomaterials and genetic data. In Canada there are sixteen biobanks and in Africa, three H3Africa Biorepositories are now ...

Nextflow pipelines for running the ARTIC network's fieldbioinformatics tools (, with a focus on ncov2019

CWL workflows related to virus genomics with focus on SARS-CoV-2.

The Galaxy Training Network (GTN) is a collection of hands-on tutorials that are designed to be interactive and are built around Galaxy.

These tutorials can be used for learning and teaching how to use Galaxy for general data analysis, as well as a wide array of hands-on tutorials covering specific domains such as assembly, RNA-Seq analysis, deep learning, climate analysis, and more!

Space: Galaxy

Public web page:

Start date: 1st Sep 2017

Ongoing analysis of COVID-19 using Galaxy, BioConda and public research infrastructures

Workflows from the Industrial Biotechnology Innovation and Synthetic Biology Accelerator (IBISBA 1.0) project, which is funded by the European Union Horizon 2020 program INRAIA-02 under grant agreement 730976.

The workflows also appear on

Space: Independent Teams

Public web page:

INSaFLU (“INSide the FLU”) is an influenza-oriented bioinformatics free web-based platform for an effective and timely whole-genome-sequencing-based influenza laboratory surveillance.

nfcore/viralrecon is a bioinformatics analysis pipeline used to perform assembly and intrahost/low-frequency variant calling for viral samples. The pipeline currently supports metagenomics and amplicon sequencing data derived from the Illumina sequencing platform.

Software and data format standards for management of microscopy image data. Joint project between international private and public research

A series of tools and an open database of polygenic scores and the relevant metadata required for accurate application and evaluation.

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