ELIXIR All Hands 2021 Workflow Life Cycle Workshop

Date: Friday 11 June 2021, 10.00 CEST

Chairs: Carole Goble, Stian Soiland-Reyes, Salvador Capella-Gutiérrez, José María Fernández González and Frederik Coppens

In Life Sciences, experimental laboratory procedures usually have a lifespan since their first inception, wide adoption along the years, and later being superseded by others. The same applies to the analysis of the generated experimental data. Workflow Lifecycle represents the different states of workflows during their “life”. This workshop focus on the lifecycle of non-interactive analysis, in the form of workflows, covering topics such as their generalization, scientific replicability and benchmarking; the services for lifecycle management; how to represent workflows at different points in the lifecycle; and how to circulate them between the services and users. The workshop builds on EOSC-Life development of WorkflowHub as a framework supporting lifecycle stages (design, testing, registration, execution, adaptation) whilst catering for a diversity of WfMS (Galaxy, Nextflow) and services (OpenEBench, LifeMonitor). We’ll show how to use GA4GH APIs and RO-Crate for connecting services and exchanging workflows, along with a metadata framework for representing workflows at different lifecycle stages.

This workshop brings together representatives of ELIXIR Tools, Compute and Interoperability platforms. It is relevant to many projects (e.g. EOSC-Life, DISSCo Specimen Data Refinery, B1MG), community-driven efforts (e.g. TransBioNet), and Communities using ELIXIR’s workflow ecosystem. The focus will be primarily on dissemination and community building within and beyond ELIXIR.

SEEK ID: https://workflowhub.eu/events/4

Teams: ELIXIR Training, FAIR Computational Workflows

Carole Goble

11th Jun 2021 at 22:09

11th Jun 2021 at 22:09

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