Workflow Type: Galaxy

Contiging Solo w/HiC:

Generate phased assembly based on PacBio Hifi Reads using HiC data from the same individual for phasing.


  1. Hifi long reads [fastq]
  2. HiC forward reads (if multiple input files, concatenated in same order as reverse reads) [fastq]
  3. HiC reverse reads (if multiple input files, concatenated in same order as forward reads) [fastq]
  4. K-mer database [meryldb]
  5. Genome profile summary generated by Genomescope [txt]
  6. Name of first assembly
  7. Name of second assembly


  1. Haplotype 1 assembly
  2. Haplotype 2 assembly
  3. QC: BUSCO report for both assemblies
  4. QC: Merqury report for both assemblies
  5. QC: Assembly statistics for both assemblies
  6. QC: Nx plot for both assemblies
  7. QC: Size plot for both assemblie


ID Name Description Type
Bits for Hifiasm bloom filter Bits for Hifiasm bloom filter Defaults to 37 if not specified. For genomes much larger than human, applying -f38 or even -f39 is preferred to save memory on k-mer counting.
  • int?
Genomescope Model Parameters Genomescope Model Parameters GenomeScope model parameters generated by K-mer profiling workflow
  • File
Genomescope Summary Genomescope Summary n/a
  • File
Homozygous Read Coverage Homozygous Read Coverage If empty, read coverage will be estimated from the Genomescope parameters.
  • int?
Lineage Lineage Taxonomic lineage for the organism being assembled for Busco analysis
  • string
Meryl Database Meryl Database n/a
  • File
Name of alternate assembly Name of alternate assembly n/a
  • string?
Name of primary assembly Name of primary assembly n/a
  • string?
Pacbio Reads Collection Pacbio Reads Collection n/a
  • File[]
SAK input file (Optional) SAK input file (Optional) n/a
  • File?


ID Name Description
10 Cutadapt
11 Search in textfiles
12 Pick parameter value
13 Compute
14 MultiQC
15 Replace Text
16 Cut Cut1
17 Convert Convert characters1
18 Parse parameter value param_value_from_file
19 Cut Cut1
20 Homozygous read coverage for Hifiasm
21 Estimated genome size param_value_from_file
22 Hifiasm
23 gfastats
24 gfastats
25 gfastats
26 gfastats
27 gfastats
28 gfastats
29 gfastats
30 gfastats
31 Busco
32 Merqury
33 Text reformatting
34 Text reformatting
35 Data Prep Primary n/a
36 Data Prep Alternate n/a
37 Join
38 Plotting Nx and Sizes n/a


ID Name Description Type
multiqc html report multiqc html report n/a
  • File
cutadapt multiqc stats cutadapt multiqc stats n/a
  • File
Estimated Genome size Estimated Genome size n/a
  • File
Hifiasm Alternate gfa Hifiasm Alternate gfa n/a
  • File
Hifiasm Primary gfa Hifiasm Primary gfa n/a
  • File
Usable GFA Alternate Usable GFA Alternate n/a
  • File
Usable GFA Primary Usable GFA Primary n/a
  • File
Hifiasm Primary assembly Hifiasm Primary assembly n/a
  • File
Hifiasm Alternate assembly Hifiasm Alternate assembly n/a
  • File
Assembly Stats on Primary assembly Assembly Stats on Primary assembly n/a
  • File
Assembly Stats on Alternate Assembly Assembly Stats on Alternate Assembly n/a
  • File
Busco summary image Busco summary image n/a
  • File
Merqury png Merqury png n/a
  • File
Merqury Histograms Merqury Histograms n/a
  • File
Merqury completeness stats Merqury completeness stats n/a
  • File
Assembly statistics Assembly statistics n/a
  • File
Nx Plot Nx Plot n/a
  • File
Size Plot Size Plot n/a
  • File

Version History

v0.2.1 (latest) Created 17th Aug 2024 at 03:02 by WorkflowHub Bot

Updated to v0.2.1

Frozen v0.2.1 1262df6

v0.2 Created 3rd Aug 2024 at 03:01 by WorkflowHub Bot

Updated to v0.2

Frozen v0.2 173b906

v0.1.8 Created 24th Jul 2024 at 03:02 by WorkflowHub Bot

Updated to v0.1.8

Frozen v0.1.8 f991481

v0.1.7 Created 18th Jul 2024 at 03:02 by WorkflowHub Bot

Updated to v0.1.7

Frozen v0.1.7 3dd5731

v0.1.6 Created 10th Jul 2024 at 03:02 by WorkflowHub Bot

Updated to v0.1.6

Frozen v0.1.6 8d8c799

v0.1.5 Created 30th Apr 2024 at 03:01 by WorkflowHub Bot

Updated to v0.1.5

Frozen v0.1.5 e57076e

v0.1.4 Created 23rd Apr 2024 at 03:02 by WorkflowHub Bot

Updated to v0.1.4

Frozen v0.1.4 262adb5

v0.1.3 Created 27th Mar 2024 at 03:02 by WorkflowHub Bot

Updated to v0.1.3

Frozen v0.1.3 9bf277d

v0.1.2 Created 13th Jan 2024 at 03:01 by WorkflowHub Bot

Updated to v0.1.2

Frozen v0.1.2 acbbe2c

v0.1.1 Created 24th Nov 2023 at 03:02 by WorkflowHub Bot

Updated to v0.1.1

Frozen v0.1.1 544422d

v0.1 (earliest) Created 20th Oct 2023 at 03:01 by WorkflowHub Bot

Updated to v0.1

Frozen v0.1 1f63570
help Creators and Submitter
Not specified
Additional credit

Galaxy, VGP


Views: 3841   Downloads: 852   Runs: 0

Created: 20th Oct 2023 at 03:01

Last updated: 17th Aug 2024 at 03:02

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