
What is a Workflow?
49 Workflows visible to you, out of a total of 49

Purge contigs marked as duplicates by purge_dups (could be haplotypic duplication or overlap duplication). This workflow is the 6th workflow of the VGP pipeline. It is meant to be run after one of the contigging steps (Workflow 3, 4, or 5)

Type: Galaxy

Creator: Galaxy, VGP

Submitter: WorkflowHub Bot

Contiging Solo w/HiC:

Generate phased assembly based on PacBio Hifi Reads using HiC data from the same individual for phasing.


  1. Hifi long reads [fastq]
  2. HiC forward reads (if multiple input files, concatenated in same order as reverse reads) [fastq]
  3. HiC reverse reads (if multiple input files, concatenated in same order as forward reads) [fastq]
  4. K-mer database [meryldb]
  5. Genome profile summary generated by Genomescope [txt]
  6. Name of first assembly
  7. Name of second ...

Type: Galaxy

Creator: Galaxy, VGP

Submitter: WorkflowHub Bot

Scaffolding using HiC data with YAHS.

Type: Galaxy

Creator: VGP, Galaxy

Submitter: WorkflowHub Bot

Scaffolding with Bionano

Scaffolding using Bionano optical map data


  1. Bionano data [cmap]
  2. Estimated genome size [txt]
  3. Phased assembly generated by Hifiasm [gfa1]


  1. Scaffolds
  2. Non-scaffolded contigs
  3. QC: Assembly statistics
  4. QC: Nx plot
  5. QC: Size plot

Type: Galaxy

Creator: Galaxy, VGP

Submitter: WorkflowHub Bot

Purge Duplicate Contigs

Purge contigs marked as duplicates by purge_dups in a single haplotype(could be haplotypic duplication or overlap duplication) This workflow is the 6th workflow of the VGP pipeline. It is meant to be run after one of the contigging steps (Workflow 3, 4, or 5)


  1. Genomescope model parameters [txt] (Generated by the k-mer profiling workflow)
  2. Hifi long reads - trimmed [fastq] (Generated by Cutadapt in the contigging workflow)
  3. Assembly to purge (e.g. hap1) ...

Type: Galaxy

Creator: Galaxy, VGP

Submitter: WorkflowHub Bot

COVID-19: variation analysis on ARTIC PE data

The workflow for Illumina-sequenced ampliconic data builds on the RNASeq workflow for paired-end data using the same steps for mapping and variant calling, but adds extra logic for trimming amplicon primer sequences off reads with the ivar package. In addition, this workflow uses ivar also to identify amplicons affected by primer-binding site mutations and, if possible, excludes reads derived from such ...

Assembly with Hifi reads and Trio Data

Generate phased assembly based on PacBio Hifi Reads using parental Illumina data for phasing


  1. Hifi long reads [fastq]
  2. Concatenated Illumina reads : Paternal [fastq]
  3. Concatenated Illumina reads : Maternal [fastq]
  4. K-mer database [meryldb]
  5. Paternal hapmer database [meryldb]
  6. Maternal hapmer database [meryldb]
  7. Genome profile summary generated by Genomescope [txt]
  8. Bloom Filter
  9. Name of first haplotype
  10. Name of second haplotype ...

Type: Galaxy

Creator: Galaxy, VGP

Submitter: WorkflowHub Bot

No description specified

Type: Galaxy

Creator: Nadolina Brajuka

Submitter: WorkflowHub Bot

dada2 amplicon analysis for paired end data

The workflow has three main outputs:

  • the sequence table (output of makeSequenceTable)
  • the taxonomy (output of assignTaxonomy)
  • the counts which allow to track the number of sequences in the samples through the steps (output of sequence counts)

Type: Galaxy

Creators: Matthias Bernt, UFZ Leipzig

Submitter: WorkflowHub Bot

This workflow performs segmentation and counting of cell nuclei using fluorescence microscopy images. The segmentation step is performed using Otsu thresholding (Otsu, 1979). The workflow is based on the tutorial:

Type: Galaxy

Creator: Leonid Kostrykin

Submitter: WorkflowHub Bot

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