
What is a Workflow?
233 Workflows visible to you, out of a total of 251


This repository contains an easy-to-use pipeline for the assembly and analysis of bacterial genomes using ONT long-read or Illumina short-read technology. Read the complete documentation and instructions for bacpage and each of its functions here


Advances in sequencing technology during the COVID-19 pandemic has led to massive increases in the generation of sequencing data. Many bioinformatics tools ...

Type: Workflow Description Language

Creators: None

Submitter: Nathaniel Matteson



This repository contains an easy-to-use pipeline for the assembly and analysis of bacterial genomes using ONT long-read or Illumina short-read technology.


Advances in sequencing technology during the COVID-19 pandemic has led to massive increases in the generation of sequencing data. Many bioinformatics tools have been developed to analyze this data, but very few tools ...

Type: Workflow Description Language

Creators: None

Submitter: Nathaniel Matteson


Snakemake workflow: dna-seq-varlociraptor

Snakemake GitHub actions status DOI

A ...

Type: Snakemake

Creators: Felix Mölder, David Lähnemann, Johannes Köster

Submitter: Johannes Köster


Evaluation of Swin Transformer and knowledge transfer for denoising of super-resolution structured illumination microscopy data

In recent years, convolutional neural network (CNN)-based methods have shown remarkable performance in the denoising and reconstruction of super-resolved structured illumination microscopy (SR-SIM) data. Therefore, CNN-based architectures have been the main focus of existing studies. Recently, however, an alternative and highly competitive deep learning architecture, ...


A pipeline for mapping, calling, and annotation of SARS-CoV2 variants.

Type: Nextflow

Creator: Krisztian Papp

Submitter: Ross Thorne


A workflow for mapping and consensus generation of SARS-CoV2 whole genome amplicon nanopore data implemented in the Nextflow framework. Reads are mapped to a reference genome using Minimap2 after trimming the amplicon primers with a fixed length at both ends of the amplicons using Cutadapt. The consensus is called using Pysam based on a majority read support threshold per position of the Minimap2 alignment and positions with less than 30x coverage are masked using ‘N’.

Type: Nextflow

Creator: David F. Nieuwenhuijse, Alexey Sokolov

Submitter: Ross Thorne



This is the official repository of the SARS-CoV-2 variant surveillance pipeline developed by Danish Technical University (DTU), Eotvos Lorand University (ELTE), EMBL-EBI, Erasmus Medical Center (EMC) under the Versatile Emerging infectious disease Observatory (VEO) project. The project consists of 20 European partners. It is funded by the European Commission.

The ...

Type: Nextflow

Creator: David Yuan

Submitter: David Yuan

DOI: 10.48546/workflowhub.workflow.664.1

Galaxy Workflow created on Galaxy-E european instance,, related to the Galaxy training tutorial "OBIS marine indicators" .

This workflow allows to compute and visualize marine biodiversity indicators from OBIS data.

Type: Galaxy

Creators: Marie Jossé, Yvan Le Bras

Submitter: Yvan Le Bras


Galaxy Workflow created on Galaxy-E european instance,, related to the Galaxy training tutorial "Champs blocs" .

This workflow allows to produce Visual Rollover Indicator and dissimilarity as diversity indices on boulder fields.

Type: Galaxy

Creators: Marie Jossé, Yvan Le Bras

Submitter: Yvan Le Bras

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