Workflow Type: Galaxy

This workflow takes as input SR BAM from ChIP-seq. It calls peaks on each replicate and intersect them. In parallel, each BAM is subsetted to smallest number of reads. Peaks are called using all subsets combined. Only peaks called using a combination of all subsets which have summits intersecting the intersection of at least x replicates will be kept.


ID Name Description Type
Minimum number of overlap #main/Minimum number of overlap Minimum number of replicates into which the summit should be present.
  • int
bin_size #main/bin_size Bin size for average of normalized coverage
  • int
effective_genome_size #main/effective_genome_size Used by MACS2: H. sapiens: 2700000000, M. musculus: 1870000000, D. melanogaster: 120000000, C. elegans: 90000000
  • int
n rmDup BAMSR #main/n rmDup BAMSR A collection with n replicates. BAM should not have duplicates
  • array containing
    • File


ID Name Description
4 count number of reads
5 generate filter rule
6 call peaks individually
7 put all nb of reads into single dataset
8 compute multi intersect
9 individual normalized bigwig wig_to_bigWig
10 get min value
11 get nb of replicates wc_gnu
12 filter multi intersect Filter1
13 average coverage from replicates
14 convert min value to text param_value_from_file
15 Parse parameter value get nb of rep as param param_value_from_file
16 create a dataset with the min value as many times as there are replicates
17 split min value
18 convert min nb of reads to parameter param_value_from_file
19 downsample BAM
20 call peaks on merge
21 get merged peaks overlapping at least x replicates
22 multiQC
23 only keep peaks with summits overlapping intersection of at least x replicates Filter1
24 keep only columns of narrowPeak Cut1
25 discard duplicated lines


ID Name Description Type
average_bigwig #main/average_bigwig n/a
  • File
individual_macs2_narrowPeaks #main/individual_macs2_narrowPeaks n/a
  • File
merged_macs2_narrowPeaks #main/merged_macs2_narrowPeaks n/a
  • File
multiqc_output #main/multiqc_output n/a
  • File
shared_narrowPeak #main/shared_narrowPeak n/a
  • File

Version History

v1.1 (latest) Created 11th Jun 2024 at 03:02 by WorkflowHub Bot

Updated to v1.1

Frozen v1.1 a5dc1a3

v1.0 Created 30th May 2024 at 11:36 by WorkflowHub Bot

Updated to v1.0

Frozen v1.0 71b2cd0

v0.7 Created 16th Apr 2024 at 03:01 by WorkflowHub Bot

Updated to v0.7

Frozen v0.7 f235338

v0.6 Created 10th Apr 2024 at 03:01 by WorkflowHub Bot

Updated to v0.6

Frozen v0.6 c8ff689

v0.5 Created 7th Mar 2024 at 03:02 by WorkflowHub Bot

Updated to v0.5

Frozen v0.5 6e60eba

v0.4 Created 2nd Dec 2023 at 03:01 by WorkflowHub Bot

Updated to v0.4

Frozen v0.4 f0ca4bd

v0.3 Created 28th Nov 2023 at 03:01 by WorkflowHub Bot

Updated to v0.3

Frozen v0.3 5c5394e

v0.2 Created 14th Nov 2023 at 03:02 by WorkflowHub Bot

Updated to v0.2

Frozen v0.2 88fd6de

v0.1 (earliest) Created 5th Sep 2023 at 03:01 by WorkflowHub Bot

Updated to v0.1

Frozen v0.1 e95b35c
help Creators and Submitter
  • Lucille Delisle

Views: 3742   Downloads: 1229   Runs: 0

Created: 5th Sep 2023 at 03:01

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Total size: 471 KB
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