
What is a Team?
311 Teams found

CImorgh IT solutions is a bioinformatics and healthcare company located in Iran.

Space: Independent Teams

Public web page:

Common Infrastructure for National Cohorts in Europe, Canada, and Africa

Over the last forty years, we have seen the emergence of increasing numbers of large cohorts of human samples from research and national healthcare initiatives (e.g. UK Biobank, H3Africa). In Europe alone, the BBMRI-ERIC directory lists nearly 600 distinct biobanks with over 100 million samples of biomaterials and genetic data. In Canada there are sixteen biobanks and in Africa, three H3Africa Biorepositories are now ...

Project that aims to create the NeuroPlat portal for neurodrug design

Space: eFlows4HPC

Public web page:

No description specified

Space: Independent Teams

Public web page: Not specified

No description specified

Space: Independent Teams

Public web page: Not specified

The Common Workflow Language (CWL) is an open standard for describing analysis workflows and tools in a way that makes them portable and scalable across a variety of software and hardware environments, from workstations to cluster, cloud, and high performance computing (HPC) environments. CWL is designed to meet the needs of data-intensive science, such as Bioinformatics, Medical Imaging, Astronomy, High Energy Physics, and Machine Learning.CWL is developed by a multi-vendor working group consisting ...

Space: Independent Teams

Public web page:

Start date: 11th Jul 2014

Team created to publish applications during COMPSs Tutorials, and share them among participants.

Computational Science at Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR)

Space: Independent Teams

Public web page: Not specified

Nextflow pipelines for running the ARTIC network's fieldbioinformatics tools (, with a focus on ncov2019

No description specified

Space: Independent Teams

Public web page: Not specified

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