Teams: EJPRD WP13 case-studies workflows
Organizations: EJP-RD Scipion CNB
Organizations: Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) Cluster Emergent del Cervell Humà, Workflows and Distributed Computing, WP6 - Tsunamis, WP7 - Earthquakes, WP8 - Anthropogenic geophysical extremes, WP5 - Volcanoes, Pillar I: Manufacturing, Pillar II: Climate, Pillar III: Urgent computing for natural hazards, eFlows4HPC general, COMPSs Tutorials
Organizations: Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC-CNS) Researcher at Workflows and Distributed Computing Group, Computer Sciences department, Barcelona Supercomputing Center.
Comparative genomics, molecular evolution. Protists: dinoflagellates, other alveolates, rizharian parasites. Animals: octodontid rodents. Phylogenomics.
Teams: FAIR Computational Workflows
Organizations: Telespazio UK
Ground Segment Architect specialising in Reproducible Science, AI (Artificial Intelligence), ARD (Analysis Ready Data) and Quality initiatives in the space industry. Heavily involved in the architecture of Open Source solutions, frameworks and platforms.