
What is a Workflow?
168 Workflows visible to you, out of a total of 168

VGP Workflow #1

This workflow produces a Meryl database and Genomescope outputs that will be used to determine parameters for following workflows, and assess the quality of genome assemblies. Specifically, it provides information about the genomic complexity, such as the genome size and levels of heterozygosity and repeat content, as well about the data quality.


  • A collection of Hifi long reads in FASTQ format
  • k-mer length
  • Ploidy


  • Meryl Database of kmer counts


Type: Galaxy

Creator: VGP, Galaxy

Submitter: WorkflowHub Bot

Create Meryl Database used for the estimation of assembly parameters and quality control with Merqury. Part of the VGP pipeline.

Type: Galaxy

Creator: VGP, Galaxy

Submitter: WorkflowHub Bot

Phasing and imputation pipeline

Type: Nextflow

Creators: Louis Le Nezet, Anabella Trigila

Submitter: WorkflowHub Bot

Workflow for clinical metaproteomics database searching

Type: Galaxy

Creator: Subina Mehta

Submitter: WorkflowHub Bot

This workflow will perform taxonomic and functional annotations using Unipept and statistical analysis using MSstatsTMT.

Type: Galaxy

Creator: GalaxyP

Submitter: WorkflowHub Bot

In proteomics research, verifying detected peptides is essential for ensuring data accuracy and biological relevance. This tutorial continues from the clinical metaproteomics discovery workflow, focusing on verifying identified microbial peptides using the PepQuery tool.

Type: Galaxy

Creator: Pratik Jagtap

Submitter: WorkflowHub Bot

From metagenomes to peptides

Type: Nextflow

Creators: Sabrina Krakau, Leon Kuchenbecker and Till Englert

Submitter: WorkflowHub Bot

The workflow begins with the Database Generation process. The Galaxy-P team has developed a workflow that collects protein sequences from known disease-causing microorganisms to build a comprehensive database. This extensive database is then refined into a smaller, more relevant dataset using the Metanovo tool.

Type: Galaxy

Creator: Subina Mehta

Submitter: WorkflowHub Bot

This workflow uses the decoupler tool in Galaxy to generate pseudobulk counts from an annotated AnnData file obtained from scRNA-seq analysis. Following the pseudobulk step, differential expression genes (DEG) are calculated using the edgeR tool. The workflow also includes data sanitation steps to ensure smooth operation of edgeR and minimizing potential issues. Additionally, a Volcano plot tool is used to visualize the results after the DEG analysis.

Type: Galaxy

Creators: Diana Chiang Jurado, Pavankumar Videm, Pablo Moreno

Submitter: WorkflowHub Bot

This workflow can only work on an experimental setup with exactly 2 conditions. It takes two collections of count tables as input and performs differential expression analysis. Additionally it filters for DE genes based on adjusted p-value and log2 fold changes thresholds. It also generates informative plots.

Type: Galaxy

Creator: Pavankumar Videm

Submitter: WorkflowHub Bot

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