Name: Matrix Multiplication
Contact Person: [email protected]
Access Level: public
License Agreement: Apache2
Platform: COMPSs
Matrix multiplication is a binary operation that takes a pair of matrices and produces another matrix.
If A is an n×m matrix and B is an m×p matrix, the result AB of their multiplication is an n×p matrix defined only if the number of columns m in A is equal to the number of rows m in B. When multiplying A and B, the elements of the rows in A are multiplied with corresponding columns in B.
In this implementation, A and B are square matrices (same number of rows and columns), and so it is the result matrix C. Each matrix is divided in N blocks of M doubles. The multiplication of two blocks is done by a multiply task method with a simple three-nested-loop implementation. When executed with COMPSs, the main program generates N^3^ tasks arranged as N^2^ chains of N tasks in the dependency graph.
N and M have been hardcoded to 6 and 8 respectively.
Execution instructions
runcompss --classpath=application_sources/jar/matmul.jar matmul.files.Matmul inputFolder/ outputFolder/
- inputFolder: folder where input files are located
- outputFolder: folder where output files are located
Option 1: Native java
javac src/main/java/matmul/*/*.java
cd src/main/java/; jar cf matmul.jar matmul/
cd ../../../; mv src/main/java/matmul.jar jar/
Option 2: Maven
mvn clean package
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Version History
COMPSs 3.3.1 (earliest) Created 2nd Aug 2024 at 09:37 by Raül Sirvent
Executed with COMPSs 3.3.1, 1 node, Marenostrum V supercomputer, data persistence False.

Views: 996 Downloads: 208
Created: 2nd Aug 2024 at 09:37
