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Teams: Lake Erken modelling setup
Organizations: Uppsala University

Expertise: Limnology, Mathematical Modelling
Tools: Mathematical Modelling
Post-doctoral researcher at Uppsala University, working on the SMARTLAGOON project
A coupled SWAT+ (catchment) and GOTM-WET (lake) model setup to run present-day and future climate scenarios and assess changes in lake conditions and spring phenology.
Space: Coupled Catchment Lake Modelling
Public web page: Not specified
Organisms: Not specified
Simulations and figures supporting the manuscript "Timing of spring events changes under modelled future climate scenarios in a mesotrophic lake"
Type: Unrecognized workflow type
Creators: Jorrit Mesman, Inmaculada Jiménez-Navarro, Ana Ayala, Javier Senent-Aparicio, Dennis Trolle, Don Pierson
Submitter: Jorrit Mesman