
What is a Workflow?
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Repository for Nextflow pipeline used in demuxSNP demultipelxing paper

Overall workflow

  1. Simulate doublets
  1. Benchmark methods
  • Experiments 1: Vary doublet rate
  • Experiment 2: Vary SNP subsetting


Most inputs are specified in nextflow.config: container__souporcell: path to souporcell apptainer image, ideally at top level of project. bam_path: Path to demultiplexed bam files. barcodes_path: Path to demultiplexed barcodes. tenx: Path to barcodes.tsv, features.tsv ...

Type: Nextflow

Creators: Michael Lynch, Leverages scripts developed by Weber et al (2021) DOI:

Submitter: Michael Lynch

DOI: 10.48546/workflowhub.workflow.1160.2

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