
What is a Workflow?
5 Workflows visible to you, out of a total of 5

Galaxy Workflow created on Galaxy-E european instance,, related to the Galaxy training tutorial "Antarctic sea ecoregionalization" .

This workflow allows to analyze marine benthic biodiversity data to compute ecoregions regarding environmental data.

Type: Galaxy

Creators: Yvan Le Bras, Pauline Seguineau, Coline Royaux

Submitter: Yvan Le Bras

DOI: 10.48546/workflowhub.workflow.658.1


Galaxy Workflow created on Galaxy-E european instance,, related to the Galaxy training tutorial "Sentinel 2 biodiversity" .

This workflow allows to analyze remote sensing sentinel 2 satellites data to compute spectral indices such as the NDVI and visualizing biodiversity indicators

Type: Galaxy

Creators: Yvan Le Bras, Coline Royaux, Marie Jossé

Submitter: Yvan Le Bras


Galaxy Workflow created on Galaxy-E european instance,, related to the Galaxy training tutorial "Biodiversity data exploration"

This workflow allows to explore biodiversity data looking at homoscedasticity, normality or collinearity of presences-absence or abundance data and at comparing beta diversity taking into account space, time and species components ...

Type: Galaxy

Creators: Yvan Le Bras, Coline Royaux, Marie Jossé

Submitter: Yvan Le Bras

DOI: 10.48546/workflowhub.workflow.656.1


Galaxy Workflow created on Galaxy-E european instance,, related to the Galaxy training tutorial "Metabarcoding/eDNA through Obitools" .

This workflow allows to analyze DNA metabarcoding / eDNA data produced on Illumina sequencers using the OBITools.


Galaxy-E ( workflow to calculate species presence / absence, community metrics and compute generalized linear models to identify effects and significativity of these effects on biodiversity.

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