Joined: 12th Jul 2023
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With present computational capabilities and data volumes entering the Exascale Era, digital twins of the Earth system will be able to mimic the different system components (atmosphere, ocean, land, lithosphere) with unrivaled precision, providing analyses, forecasts, and what if scenarios for natural hazards and resources from their genesis phases and across their temporal and spatial scales. DT-GEO aims at developing a prototype for a digital twin on geophysical extremes including earthquakes, ...
Teams: WP5 - Volcanoes, WP6 - Tsunamis, WP7 - Earthquakes, WP8 - Anthropogenic geophysical extremes
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eFlows4HPC project aims at providing workflow software stack and an additional set of services to enable the integration of HPC simulations and modelling with big data analytics and machine learning in scientific and industrial applications. The project is also developing the HPC Workflows as a Service (HPCWaaS) methodology that aims at providing tools to simplify the development, deployment, execution and reuse of workflows. The project demonstrates its advances through three application Pillars ...
Teams: Cluster Emergent del Cervell Humà, Workflows and Distributed Computing, Pillar I: Manufacturing, Pillar II: Climate, Pillar III: Urgent computing for natural hazards, eFlows4HPC general, COMPSs Tutorials
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Team created to publish applications during COMPSs Tutorials, and share them among participants.
Space: eFlows4HPC
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This team is to publish workflows executed from WPs that are not the three main pillars of the project.
Space: eFlows4HPC
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Distributed computing aims to offer tools and mechanisms that enable the sharing, selection, and aggregation of a wide variety of geographically distributed computational resources in a transparent way. The research done in this team is based on the past expertise of the group, and on extending it towards the aspects of distributed computing that can benefit from this expertise. The team at BSC has a strong focus on programming models and resource management and scheduling in distributed computing ...
Space: eFlows4HPC
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Organisms: Not specified
It explores the modelling of natural catastrophes – in particular, earthquakes and their associated tsunamis shortly after such an event is recorded.
Space: eFlows4HPC
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Organisms: Not specified
It develops innovative adaptive workflows for climate and for the study of Tropical Cyclones (TC) in the context of the CMIP6 experiment, including in-situ analytics.
Space: eFlows4HPC
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Organisms: Not specified
It focuses on the construction of DigitalTwins for the prototyping of complex manufactured objects integrating state-of-the-art adaptive solvers with machine learning and data-mining, contributing to the Industry 4.0 vision.
Space: eFlows4HPC
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Organisms: Not specified
Abstract (Expand)
Authors: Raul Sirvent, Javier Conejero, Francesc Lordan, Jorge Ejarque, Laura Rodriguez-Navas, Jose M. Fernandez, Salvador Capella-Gutierrez, Rosa M. Badia
Date Published: 1st Nov 2022
Publication Type: Proceedings
DOI: 10.1109/WORKS56498.2022.00006
Citation: 2022 IEEE/ACM Workshop on Workflows in Support of Large-Scale Science (WORKS),pp.1-9,IEEE
Lysozyme in water full COMPSs application run at MareNostrum IV, using full dataset with two workers
Sample workflow template that combines simulations with data analytics. It is not a real workflow, but it mimics this type of workflows. It illustrates how COMPSs invokes binaries. It can be extended to invoke MPI applications.