Galaxy Australia (Project)
Description: Galaxy is an **open**, **web-based** platform for accessible, reproducible, and transparent computational biological...
Description: Galaxy is an **open**, **web-based** platform for accessible, reproducible, and transparent computational biological...
- Australian BioCommons
- Australian BioCommons
- QCIF Bioinformatics
- Pawsey Supercomputing Research Centre
- Sydney Informatics Hub
- Janis
- Melbourne Data Analytics Platform (MDAP)
- Galaxy Australia
- 16S_biodiversity_BIOM
- BAM to FASTQ + QC v1.0
- PacBio HiFi genome assembly using hifiasm v2.1
- Data QC
- kmer counting - meryl
- Trim and filter reads - fastp
- Assembly with Flye
- Assembly polishing
- Racon polish with long reads, x4
- Racon polish with Illumina reads, x2
- Assess genome quality
- Combined workflows for large genome assembly
- Purge duplicates from hifiasm assembly v1.0
- QC of RADseq reads
- Stacks RAD-seq reference-guided workflow
- Stacks RAD-seq de novo workflow
- Partial de novo workflow: ustacks only
- Partial de novo workflow: c-s-g-pops only
- Partial ref-guided workflow - bwa mem only
- Partial ref-guided workflow - gstacks and pops
- Genome-assessment-post-assembly
- Repeat masking - TSI
- QC and trimming of RNAseq reads - TSI
- Find transcripts - TSI
- Combine transcripts - TSI
- Extract transcripts - TSI
- Convert formats - TSI
- Fgenesh annotation -TSI
- TSI-Scaffolding-with-HiC (based on VGP-HiC-scaffolding)
- Genome assembly workflow for nanopore reads, for TSI
- HiFi genome assembly on Galaxy
- TSI annotation workflows
- National Computational Infrastructure (NCI) WorkflowHub team